Cicilia Larasati Rembulan
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Dr. Cicilia Larasati Rembulan, S.Psi, M.Psi, Psikolog
Academic rank:
Dr. Cicilia Larasati Rembulan, S.Psi, M.Psi, Psikolog is an Associate Professor in Universitas Ciputra. She joined Universitas Ciputra in 2010 and is currently part of Psychology Department. Her research interests are social exchange/reciprocity, relationship in exchange, power interplay, indigenous enterprise,community enterprise.
Author Pages
ORCiD | 0000-0001-9839-4009 |
Publons | |
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- instrumental case study method
- straussian grounded theory method
- social exchange theory
- indigeneous enterprise
International Journal indexed by Scopus/WoS
- Street vendors and power relations among actors : Process of place making in Borobudur food and craft market. Qualitative Research Journal (2023)
- Exchanged Actors Behind The Creation of Sense of Place Value in Indigenous Tourism Enterprise Karangrejo Borobudur Indonesia. Journal of Enterprising Communities : People and Places in The Global Economy (2022)
- When the sense of place value is challenged by pandemic: Value exchange in indigenous community-based tourism in Sade-Lombok, Indonesia. Journal of Enterprising Communities (2021)
- The Fluid Power : Constructing The Concept of Power in Community-based Tourism in Indonesia. Journal of Enterprising Communities (2020)
- The fluid power: constructing the concept of power in community-based tourism in Indonesia. Journal of Enterprising Communities (2020)
- How Consumer Ethnocentrism Can Predict Consumer Preferences. Polish Psychological Bulletin (2018)
International Journal
- Sense of Place Amongst Adolescents :The Place Attachment Affective Factors in Shopping Malls. Maker Human Behaviour Studies in Asia (2015)
National Journal indexed by Sinta
- Indigenous Entrepreneurship that Creates a Sense of Place in the Traditional Shopping Areas. Humaniora (2024)
- Identifikasi tahapan self silencing dalam hubungan berpacaran emerging adulthood. Jurnal Experientia (2024)
- Glass Ceiling dan Personal Sense of Power: Tantangan dalam Peningkatan Karir Perempuan. Martabat : Jurnal Perempuan dan Anak (2023)
- Identifikasi Perceived Reward pada Fans K-pop. Jurnal Psikodimensia (2023)
- Identifikasi Tahap-tahap Help-Seeking Behavior pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Non-Kesehatan. Jurnal Psikodimensia (2023)
- The Role of The Neigborhood Authority in Raising Residents' Obedience to the Implementation of the Health Protocols during The COVID-19 Pandemic. Jurnal Psikologi Proyeksi (2023)
- Defining the Sense of Place Components in the Food and Craft Market at the World Heritage Site. Humaniora (2022)
- Exchange Relationship between Companies and Competitors in Building Materials Retail Sector in Palu. JEE (2022)
- Relasi pertukaran sosial antara agen dan nasabah asuransi di Indonesia. Jurnal Diversita (2022)
- Identification of Body Image Problem : Implications for Promoting Body Image Resilience in Female College Student. Jurnal ANIMA (2014)
National Journal
International Proceeding
- Cultural Festival's Spatial Setting in Pampang Cultural Village Samarinda-East Borneo. Prosiding International Conference on Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (2023)
- The Development of Cross-Sector Inter-organizational Exchange Relationship Scale. Konferensi Asian Association of Social Psychology (2023)
- Observing the Consumer to meet Their needs case study in cafe " X ". 1st PIKSI International conference on knowledge and sciences 2014 (2014)
- Entrepreneurs Are Wealthy, But Can They Be Authentically Happy?. The 4th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, & Small Business (IICIES 2012) (2012)
- The Innovative Process of Social Entreprenurship in credit Union TM: An Alternative of Psychology Empowerment for Communities. AAICP 2012 (Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology International Conference) (2012)
National Proceeding
- Identifikasi Stres dan Promoting Wellness pada Karyawan di Konveksi X. Seminar Nasional Positive Psychology 2015 (2015)
- Gambaran Strategi Coping Wanita Berperan Ganda dalam Menghadapi Work-Family Conflict. Asosiasi Kesehatan Jiwa Anak Remaja Indonesia (2014)
- The Analysis of Sense of Place Borobudur Temple Shopping Areas : A Study about Physical and Social Factors in a Historic Commercial Area (2022)
- Psychopreneur to Empower Life (2022)
- The Sense of Place Value and the Actors Involved: Indigenous Entrepreneurship in Indonesia (2021)
- Riset-riset cyberpsychology (2021)
- Relasi Bisnis : Asia vs Barat (2020)
- Weaving The Real and Virtual : Indonesian Urban Youth's Lived Experience of Making Psychological Home (UC-KIN24010013) (2024)
- Identifikasi Tahap-tahap Psychological Help-seeking Behavior pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Non-kesehatan (UC-KIN23040014) (2023)
- Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Pasangan dengan Love Language yang Berbeda pada Mahasiswa (UC-KIN23040012) (2023)
- Balancing The Three Trends (UC-KIN23050002) (2023)
- Be Yourself, BeYoutiful (UC-KIN23050001) (2023)
- Behaviorisme Skinner (UC-KIN23050005) (2023)
- Emotional Intelligence for Teamwork (UC-KIN23050008) (2023)
- Identifikasi Personal Growth pada Student Mentor Universitas X (UC-KIN23100021) (2023)
- Peran Grit pada Mahasiswa Penerima Beasiswa Prestasi yang Aktif (UC-KIN23040013) (2023)
- Rancangan Pengembangan di PT G (UC-KIN23040011) (2023)
- Social Butterfly (UC-KIN23050004) (2023)
- The Development of Cross Sector Interorganizational Exchange Relationship Scale (UC-KIN23120001) (2023)
- Thinking Fast and Slow (UC-KIN23050003) (2023)
- bahagia di usia senja (UC-KIR22060009) (2022)
- Boosting well being and activity in elderlies (UC-KIR22060008) (2022)
- Cara Membuat Koding Data Kualitatif Menggunakan Aplikasi Miro (UC-KIR22070118) (2022)
- Cara membuat project, mengundang kolaborator, highlight dan membuat tag dengan taguette (UC-KIN22080029) (2022)
- Fenomena kepatuhan dan ketidakpatuhan di Fikom Universitas Ciputra (UC-KIN22080031) (2022)
- Healthy Aging Happy Aging (UC-KIR22070203) (2022)
- Lansia Sehat (UC-KIR22070204) (2022)
- Leaflet SOTH Pertemuan 1 : Perencanaan Hidup Berkeluarga Dan Harapan Orang Tua Terhadap Masa Depan Anak (2022)
- Leaflet SOTH Pertemuan 10 : Pengenalan Kesehatan Reproduksi Pada Anak Usia Dini (2022)
- Leaflet SOTH Pertemuan 11 : Perlindungan Anak (2022)
- Leaflet SOTH Pertemuan 12 : Menjaga Anak Dari Pengaruh Media (2022)
- Leaflet SOTH Pertemuan 13 : Pembentukan Karakter Anak Usia Dini (2022)
- Leaflet SOTH Pertemuan 2 : Memahami Konsep Diri Yang Positif Dan Konsep Pengasuhan (2022)
- Leaflet SOTH Pertemuan 3 : Peran Orang Tua Dan Keterlibatan Ayah Dalam Pengasuhan (2022)
- Leaflet SOTH Pertemuan 7 : Stimulasi Perkembangan Gerakan Kasar Dan Gerakan Halus (2022)
- Leaflet SOTH Pertemuan 8 : Stimulasi Perkembangan Komunikasi Aktif, Komunikasi Pasif Dan Kecerdasan (2022)
- Leaflet SOTH Pertemuan 9 : Stimulasi Perkembangan Kemampuan Menolong Diri Sendiri Dan Tingkah Laku Sosial (2022)
- Menaklukan Tantangan di Usia Senja (UC-KIR22070205) (2022)
- Naskah Strategi Kebijakan: Pasar Kreatif pada Kawasan Wisata Indonesia (UC-KIN22100015) (2022)
- Program Komputer Website Sense of Place (2022)
- Psychopreneur to Empower Life : Psikologi Kerja dan Entrepreneurship (UC-KIN22080028) (2022)
- Role Play Attending and Empathic Responding (UC-KIR22060027) (2022)
- Straussian Grounded Theory (UC-KIR22070117) (2022)
- Teruntuk kamu yang merasa tertolak (UC-KIR22060023) (2022)
- The art of aging (UC-KIR22060025) (2022)
- toxic relationship (UC-KIR22060024) (2022)
- Yuk sama-sama Cegah Covid (UC-KIN22080030) (2022)
- Adiksi Menonton Drama Korea (2021)
- Body Shaming (2021)
- Essential Skills For Peer Counselling Part I: Attending (2021)
- Kecanduan Merokok pada Remaja (2021)
- Sulitnya Masyarakat dalam Menerapkan Social Distancing dan Menghindari Kerumunan (2021)
- Analisis Masalah Umum Mahasiswa "Transisi" (2020)
- Analisis Masalah Umum Mahasiswa Transisi (2020)
- Analisis Masalah Umum Mahasiswa “Transisi” (2020)
- Psikologi untuk Indonesia : Isu-isu Terkini Relasi Sosial dari Intrapersonal sampai Interorganisasi (2020)
- Relasi Percintaan – Counseling Psychology (2020)
Formal Educations
Year | Level | School/Institution/University |
2001 | S1 | Universitas Sanata Dharma |
2006 | S2 | Universitas Gadjah Mada |
2016 - 2020 | S3 | Universitas Gadjah Mada |